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Overcoming Indecision

Stephanie Cardillo reading to children

Stephanie Cardillo, 25, Bachelor of Arts: History Major

Compassionate and caring student Stephanie Cardillo let indecision lead her into a Bachelor of Arts degree which ended up being a blessing in disguise. Many look down on Creative Arts degrees but for Cardillo it enables her both the time and the exploration she needed to rediscover her fierce passion for education. With aspirations to be a primary school teacher Cardillo intends to venture further into the whole university experience eventually aiming to complete a Masters in Primary Education. Stephanie adds:

“I think that you can always learn something new, no matter how old you are and that you should keep learning throughout your life”

Without passion one is less likely to be as motivated to learn and be ambitious conversely struggling to achieve their personal goals and career aspirations. Stephanie’s passion for education has given her the motivation and ambition to progress through an arts degree even though she may not enjoy every subject. As she progresses through her degree Cardillo undergoes a variety of changes, learning how to better cope with stress and strive for a balanced lifestyle.

It doesn’t end there not only does Stephanie enjoy a challenge, she also recognises the need for balance whilst studying. This realisation fuels her need for a long term plan to help her maintain focus. Cardillo intends to establish a career before coming back for further education, undertaking yet another Masters in other fields. Prior to her exploration in further education she had only considered a Masters in Education and maybe Psychology. After dabbling in a range of subjects from varying faculties she uncovered a passion for Journalism which spurred the consideration for a change in her future plans to possibly include a Masters in Journalism and Communication. Appealing to her other interests: Journalism and Psychology Stephanie is considering her potential in undertaking a masters in both or either.

The flexibility and freedom that Bachelor of Arts degrees are known for has allowed Stephanie to focus on exploring not only subjects that will aid her transition into her career as a teacher but also strengthening her other skills and learning more about topics that interest her. Expanding her horizons with a minor in Spanish. From indecisive to passionate, self-assured and self-motivated.

Even though when first starting her degree Stephanie was unsure of her future, worried her motivation to be a teacher might waver, as her Bachelor of Arts degree has progressed she has developed confidence within her passion for education and knows with certainty, that it is the direction she wants to go. Her university experience has re-invoked her love of children and led her to reconsider the idea of teaching, although previous advice about low pay for strenuous and frustrating work is still in the back of her mind.

Throughout a person’s university experience and degree as learning undertakes and progresses alongside the development of academic skills comes differing social experiences and moments of self-discovery and change. Stephanie has learnt more about the history of the world, the language of Spain and how to be more open-minded, confident and expressive than before claiming that university is a great facet for self-development and understanding. In her spare time Stephanie further fulfils her teaching dreams volunteering at the Smith Family Homework Club helping students with their homework.

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